Navigating Dance Competitions with Apps

If you are planning to compete in a dance competition, it is important to understand how the event is organised and how you can keep track of your performances. In recent years, many competitions have started using apps to make the process more efficient and accessible for dancers and their families.

If you are participating in a competition that uses an app, you will usually receive a link to the running order about three weeks before the event. This program will show you the date and time of your performance, as well as the other dancers you will be competing against. You will also have about a week to upload your music to the app. HELPFUL HINT: It is always a good idea to bring a backup copy of your music in case there are any technical difficulties with the sound system.

Using the app, you can also indicate whether your child will be starting on stage and if they will be using any props during their performance. Additionally, if you are not able to attend the competition, you can use the app to scratch your child from the event.

When you arrive at the competition, it is important to check in for your performances using the app. This will let the stage crew know that you are present and ready to dance. Failure to check in could result in you being scratched from the competition.

It is also recommended that you check the app regularly to stay up to date with any changes in the schedule. Some competitions may run ahead of schedule (some can run up to two hours early), so it is important to be prepared and ready to perform when your turn comes.

Once the awards have been announced on stage, the app will also store your results from your routine. This will allow you to see the judge's comments on your performance and track your progress throughout the competition season.

For competitions that do not use apps, it is important to carefully read the competition syllabus to understand how music will be taken and how the schedule will be organized. While these events may be less common, it is still important to be prepared and understand the requirements of each competition you enter.


What happens side stage?


How do you enter competitions?