Guardians of Safety: Balancing Privacy and Protection for Young Dancers on Instagram

As a dance mum, I showcase my childs hard work and talent on Instagram. It's a platform that allows young dancers to gain exposure, connect with others in the dance community, and share their passion with the world. However, recent events have shaken my faith in the safety of this seemingly innocent platform. Just this week, we discovered an alarming incident where an individual posing as a child manipulated unsuspecting New Zealand dancers, leading to dangerous and inappropriate situations. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of prioritising safety on Instagram.

First things first, we need to make sure our kids' accounts are set to private. This way, we can control who sees their posts and activities. You would be surprised how many children have their accounts open to the public.  By keeping it limited to a select group of trusted followers, we can minimize the risk of their content falling into the wrong hands. And hey, while we're at it, let's keep an eye on their follower list and kick out anyone who seems suspicious or totally unknown.

I know I am in an easier position, as I 100% control my child’s account (I vet every follow request), but for those mums out there that have older dancers we gotta educate our young dancers about online boundaries. They need to understand that it's awesome to share their dance journey, but they also need to be careful about revealing personal information or having private chats with random strangers. We need to drive home the message that meeting someone in person who they've only talked to online is a big no-no.

Open communication is key, ladies! We need to create an environment where our kids feel comfortable talking to us about their online experiences. They should know that they can come to us if something weird or inappropriate happens. We have to teach them to trust their gut instincts (I call these “spidey sensors” they never fail you!)  and seek our guidance whenever they feel unsure or uncomfortable about a situation.

Now, I know we're all super busy, but we need to take the time to keep an eye on our kids' online activity. Of course, we want to respect their privacy, but we also need to ensure their safety. It's a balancing act, but it's worth it.

Instagram can be an amazing platform for our young dancers, but we can't ignore the potential risks.

That incident with the fake account targeting New Zealand dancers was a serious wake-up call.

By taking steps like keeping accounts private, teaching our kids about boundaries, fostering open communication, and monitoring their online activity, we can work together to protect our little ones and keep Instagram a safe place for them.

Stay safe out there!



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