From Twinkle Tot to Solo Sensation: My Accidental Journey as a Dance Mum

As a Non competitive ex dancer myself with slim to no Comp dance experience but a penchant for heavy makeup and a love of sequins, I stumbled quickly into the realms of Toddlers and Tiaras or being a Dance Mum kind of by accident.

My daughter started dancing at the tender age of 2.5 when she was still sleeping in a crib and drinking a bottle daily. I joked one day to her dance teacher that I’d love to get her into Pageants ( I wasn’t really joking though was I) and she said nooooo get her info solos, we absolutely spiralled from there. Bunny started training for comps at the tender age of 4 when we were in a first major lockdown. My husband was away as always so Bunny and I had a really positive purpose to train towards and look forward to online daily.

Once she started Solo lessons with her patient and saint of a teacher - my blood pressure started rising in daily increments. Have you seen what is practically a toddler trying to learn a solo?!?! - ABSOLUTE FIASCO!

She had the memory a concussed boxer and about the same amount of grace and delicacy. What ensued was 3 years of pure hard work, dedication and many a sleepless dance mom night. The thing is, with kids this young, they rarely get nervous as they think they are INCREDIBLE! So the mums get them second hand.

I remember driving to one of Bunnys first comps trying to breathe myself through not vomiting with nerves! And since I never competed in dance I had to self teach everything I needed from scratch. I spent many a late night googling dance makeup, learning her routines so I could jump around like a lunatic side stage in case she forgot and learning which costumes translated well onstage.

There was many a comp at the beginning where I sent my child out with eye makeup so smokey she looked like she had been on a 4am bender - but slowly I fine-tuned my artistic ability. Over the last 3 years I have become the master of a 5.30am false lash on a moving target. I know the right amount of spray gel and hairspray I need for her hair to hold for 12 hours, I can tell you the exact dimensions parallel to the chin for the perfect ballet bun and the best brand of dance tights and hairties x and I’m actually so proud of this !

Slowly I watched my little baby who dragged her left leg behind her in skips absolutely transform to the dynamo, firecracker “million dollar smile Baby” with allll the faces that she is today. Did she have natural talent? GOSH NO! But now you’d never guess that as she has trained and worked to a point where she looks like she was Born for the Stage. IYKYK.

Apart from the fore mentioned dance acumen you expect to acquire from Dance, we have both as a little team experienced so many great things as a bi product of this community. Dance Mums, can get a bad wrap and I’m sure there are elements of that in NZ and it isn’t always fun and glamorous when you are dealing with heightened emotions and childrens meltdowns - but I want to reflect on all the amazing positive things we have unexpectedly gained in these 4 years .

My only daughter has gained sisters, cousins and Aunts she wouldn’t otherwise have had! We have such a beautiful strong community of women and children who we celebrate with, cheer with and cry happy tears with . Friends who dress my child side stage and help her warm up, wipe the tears of the 2 pm day two tantrums and bring caffeine. I have gained Dance Nieces who I love like my own. I watch kids bring out new dances and cry with pride knowing what has gone into it. I spend nights searching for the perfect costumes for other kids dances, hair styles and accessories because I want nothing but the best for these little babies.

I have travelled to towns in NZ and overseas I never would have seen if it wasn’t for a Dance Comp in a musty school gym or a fancy event centre- and we do it all with excitement. My daughters dancing which started as a shy little potato of a twinkle tot, has escalated into this insanely captivating and talented Dancer and the most wholesome huge family we could have only dreamed of her having.

I’ll be forever humbled and grateful to receive the highly underpaid title of 'Dance Mum’



Raising Happy and Healthy Dancers


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