Dance Mum Diaries: When Your Little Dancer Hates Practicing, But All You See is Perfection on Instagram

Being a dance mum can be a rollercoaster of emotions. One minute, you're beaming with pride as you watch your little dancer shine on stage. The next, you're pulling your hair out as they refuse to practice their routine. If you're feeling like you're the only dance mum going through this, let me tell you, you're not alone!

It can be frustrating to see all the perfect dance mums on Instagram showcasing their well-behaved and well-practiced little dancers. It can make you feel like you're the only one struggling to get your kiddo on board with practice. But the truth is, behind every perfect dance mum post is a dance mum who's gone through the same struggles as you.

I know it can be a real struggle when your kiddo would rather do just about anything else but dance practice. But don't give up just yet! I've got some tips to help you navigate this tricky dance mum territory.

·        Make it Fun and Playful: Let's face it, kids love to play! So, why not make practice feel like a fun game instead of a chore? You could try turning on some upbeat music and having a dance-off with your little one before you start practicing.

·        Use Rewards: A little bit of positive reinforcement can go a long way. Try setting up a reward system for when your child successfully practices their routine. It could be something simple like stickers or a special treat.

·        Get Them Involved: Kids love to feel like they're part of the decision-making process. So, why not involve your child in the planning and preparation of their practice sessions? Let them choose their dance costume or help create their practice schedule. This way, they'll feel like they have a say in what they're doing and be more invested in the process.

·        Find Their "Why": Everyone needs a little motivation, especially kids. Find out what makes your child tick and use it to your advantage. If they love playing with friends, try to find a practice buddy for them to dance with. Or, if they're all about that screen time, make it a reward for a successful practice session.

·        Embrace the Sass: Let's be real, 7-year-olds can be pretty sassy. So, instead of fighting it, why not have a little fun with it? Turn their attitude into a playful challenge and see if you can make them laugh. Trust me, a good giggle can do wonders for their mood and get them in the right headspace for practice.

·        Make it a Team Effort: Let your child know that you're in this dance journey together. Encourage them to take breaks when they need to and give them a pat on the back when they do well. Your positive attitude and support will go a long way in making practice a positive experience.

·        Set Realistic Goals: Kids can get frustrated when they feel like they're not making progress. So, set realistic goals for their practice sessions and celebrate their successes, no matter how small.

·        Give Them Space: Sometimes, kids just need a little space. If you're finding that your child is getting frustrated or overwhelmed during practice, give them a break and let them cool off. A few minutes of downtime can do wonders for their mood and motivation.

So mums, don't compare yourself to what you see on social media. Instead, focus on your own journey and what you and your little dancer need to make practice a positive experience. It's not about being the perfect dance mum, it's about finding what works for you and your little dancer and making the most of every practice session.

And remember, this too shall pass. Kids are kids, and their moods and motivation can change from day to day. So, take it one day at a time, and don't be too hard on yourself.

You're doing a great job, dance mums! Keep on shining!

Julie x


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