My 2022 lowlight in the dancing competition world....


It can be tough to receive feedback from adjudicators, especially when it's not what we were hoping for.  This has only happened once to us and in the end I just laughed it off but I have to share!

In 2022 an adjudicator had the audacity to say that my 6-year-old’s personality on stage was too much during her dance routine. I mean, have they never heard of the phrase "go big or go home"? And let's be real what are these minis supposed to do up there? Just stand there and look cute?

Booooring. No, no, no. I say let those little munchkins bring the sass and the sparkle, and let the judges eat their hearts out. I mean, come on, it's a dance competition, not a funeral.

So to all adjudicators let's all just lighten up, and remember: the only thing better than a big personality is an even bigger one!


To use tricks in dance routines or not?